Saturday, January 30, 2010

now i get it

So I was at work today, and I was making fun of a nurse for being lame, and she said to me, "You know, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." And it was like ... like one of those moments where your life kind of crystallizes, because suddenly you understand something that you'd thought you understood before but really didn't.

In this case, it was Billy Joel's 1980 album "Glass Houses." You know, all these years I thought the album cover showed him about to throw a turd at a glass house. Like he was a punk or something. I mean, he's dressed up like one of The Ramones and all, and he looks angry, and he's definitely throwing *something.* I'd always thought he was pissed off at the residents of the glass house. You know, like "Hey people in the fancy glass house! I'm gonna splatter a turd all over your front window! How you like me now?"

30 years. For 30 years, I misunderstood Billy Joel. How many others like me are out there? Or, I guess the real question is, "Why did Billy Joel have to be so allegorical?" Maybe he was going through some Abbey Road phase or something. Too deep, man. Just too deep ...

1 comment:

CTV said...

Don't forget the symbolism - HE'S THROWING AT HIMSELF! Brilliance.