So, it was great. I stayed the first night with my friends Leah and Som, after having dinner with them at Park Chow. Any of you people heard of Park Chow, in San Francisco? It's pretty good. I had pork chops. Anyhow, I stayed the rest of the time with my friends Dean and Caroline, who were in town for a conference. Some of the highlights of my brief visit:
- biking across the Golden Gate Bridge
- seeing the new Maya Lin exhibit at the DeYoung Museum
- the weather (Yes, the weather was great in SF, believe it or not. The first couple days, anyway. Sunny and in the 80's. Then it turned to foggy and in the 40's ...)
- checking out Chinatown
- walking through the Botanical Garden in Golden Gate Park
- and at the peak of the trip, the East Coast met the West Coast, as Dean and I met up with Som and Leah for dinner. Unfortunately Caroline had to fly out that morning, also Leah had lost her voice and sounded a little like Louis Armstrong, but we still had a good time.
But in my haste to do so much on this whirlwind expedition, I didn't even get a photo of Som and Leah! (Don't worry D and C, I'll get to your shots later ...) So, what I ended up doing was scanning some old med school photos of Som. I'm not even sure who all these women are: I just remember that I had to buy them a ton of drinks, and even lay out some cold cash, before they were finally willing to pose with him. But he hasn't changed much since then, except now he's married and living in SF.
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